Sunday, 13 September 2015

Travel Blog #1- Irish Adventures

Hi all!

I know this blog probably hasn't been seen by more than three people in its lifetime but I'm working on that. As the tagline says; Travel will be a part of the content of my blog. Admittedly I don't travel as much as I'd like to but whenever I do, I'll be sure to write about it!

So as the title says, I've recently travelled to Ireland to visit my amazing family. My dads side has a mix of all kinds but the main bloodline runs through Ireland which is all kinds of awesome. So on the first of September we travelled from good Old Liverpool to Dublin. Eight hours on a ferry (grim), and two hours in the car from Dublin to Bunratty, we were back on home soil.

I won't bore you with every detail but I'll share the highlights with you all. I have to mention my most favourite place on the entire planet- The Cliffs of Moher. I can't really describe it so here are some pictures...

I mean all I can say about the Cliffs is- Wow. It takes my breath away every time. I can visit it a million times and still react the same way each time. The Cliffs of Moher are situated on the far side of Ireland, at the beginning of the Atlantic Ocean and directly facing the Island of Aran (where stunning jumpers are made). It's just past the Burren which is built up land that has developed over millions of years and is made of Lime Stone.

I can't sing this places praises enough but lets just say, it's one place that seriously pulls on my heart strings regularly.

Just three miles away is a stunning seaside town called Lahinch. Again, here are some pictures as I can't put this place into enough words either.

Many people associate Ireland with pubs and lots of grass and sheep and Guiness- All amazing obviously. But these other places are out of this world and there is some serious beauty away from the generic stereotypes that occur with absolutely every place in the world.

Lahinch is such a beautiful and picturesque place and a perfect spot to work on your photography skills. And yes those are my precious little mans footprints!

So although we visited family and lots of places whilst over there- Galway, Limerick, Bunratty, The Burren, Ennis & Shannon- These places were by far my favourite. So beautiful in their own little ways and they hold a very special place in my heart for different reasons.

My last highlight was meeting my lovely cousin- The only cousin I have who is the exact same age as me. She's very special to me and to have a family member who you can also call your friend is something very precious.

I will add many more posts as I go along on my little travels and plan on posting more now my hectic few weeks have passed by.

Let me know your travelling stories or if you've been lucky enough to visit these places, tell me all about it! :)

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